Another busy couple of weeks! We can finally show off our cutscene system. After much refinement, we’ve added in lots of different scripts (with more to come) to execute a string of events to create a cutscene. As you can see from the example, this allows us to display a sequence of chat boxes, character movement, weather changes, sounds, music, etc. so a big leap in terms of giving life to our game!

As well as that, we’ve been looking into revisiting some of the UI, not only have we changed up the main HUD with some improved graphics, we’ve also implemented a system to define and display a colour for each of the players, which should make it lot more clearer when there’s 4 of you on one screen!

Full list of changes below:

+ New font for Dialogue boxes
+ Added grey background to menus
+ New/More extensive intro EventSequence for testing
+ 'Pointer' above player heads on spawning with color codes
+ More Player color changes to menu items
+ Player select elements now animate on changing character
+ Added faces for AngryHobo and AngryHobo2 (very rough test sprites)
+ More cutscene sequence events
+ New Player HUD sprites (healthbar, ragebar, pic)
+ New Alleyway Tiles added
+ Implemented Player.Colors to get color data based on player number
+ New DestructableObject - Fire Barrel
* Made Roid Rage logo look better
* Tweaked Player colors
* Now doesn't show 'Press Start...' text when no players are added
* Player Select now abides by Player 1 for starting (and shows correct 'To Start press...' option for keyboard/controller)
* Pickups now animate when spawned StudiosGamesRoid Rage
Another busy couple of weeks! We can finally show off our cutscene system. After much refinement, we've added in lots of different scripts (with more to come) to execute a string of events to create a cutscene. As you can see from the example, this allows us to display...